Client Referral Scheme (CRS)

Is there someone you know who's actively hiring? Introduce them to us!Not only will we help themhire5Xfaster, but we'll also reward you handsomely! Begin by sharing details of your contact below, our team will get in touch with you and once they sign-up for free, your additional income begins.

Reference Details

Your Details

Here's how it works

a.Make a referral by carefully providing details online on

b.Our team will understand more details about the opportunity by talking to you and validate the lead.

Category A employer

(Any Company with > 10K employees)

On Signup (Rs.) 5,000

On each Placement (Rs.)5,000

Category B employer

(Fortune 500 listed company with < 10K employees)

On Signup (Rs.) 3,000

On each Placement (Rs.)4,000

Category C employer

(Any other company with < 10K employees)

On Signup (Rs.) 1,000

On each Placement (Rs.)3,000

You Earning potential (Rs.)

Each Category A client


Each Category B client


Each Category C client


Some Illustrations (Earning potential)

If you refer 12 clients (say, 4 each for Category A , Category B and Category C clients), you can earn Rs. 516,000 as a referral fee!

If you refer 10 clients (say, 3 Category A clients, 3 Category B clients & 4 Category C clients), you can earn Rs. 418,000 as a referral fee!

If you refer 8 clients (say, 4 Category A clients and 4 Category B clients), you can earn Rs. 392,000 as a referral fee!

If you refer 6 clients (say, 2 from each category) , you can earn Rs. 258,000 as a referral fee!

If you refer 5 Category A clients, you can earn Rs. 275,000 as a referral fee!

If you refer 5 Category B clients, you can earn Rs. 215,000 as a referral fee!

The Sign-up fee

a.A valid signup happens when the employer account is "Activated" after the employer has signed-up AND posted job vacancies on shall duly inform and transfer your signup fee to your account.

The Placement fee

a."Placement" refers to a candidate starting to work with referred employer, after being proposed and duly selected by them on shall duly inform and transfer your placement fee to your account.

how much can you earn ?

a.You can earn a maximum of Rs. 55,000 for a Category A referral, Rs. 43,000 for a Category B referral and Rs. 31,000 for a Category C referral.

b.Refer to the earning potential illustrations given above as examples.

Question.What if I'm an agency partner on

Answer.The referral fee is over and above the handsome commissions you already make as an agency partner on

Scheme validity

a.This scheme is valid from its date of announcement to 31st December 2024.

b.You may refer until closing hours of 31st December 2024 for qualifying for the referral fee

Terms and conditions of the scheme

1.Referral, Signup, activation & placement will all be considered valid only after they qualify the various internal processes of, meant for all employers.

2.Your referral must be converted to a valid activation within 90 days for a Category A & B employers and within 30 days for a Category C employer from the date of referral to qualify for the referral fee.

3.You can earn a maximum of 10 (Ten) valid placements per referred client made within 12 months from the date of referral. Please check for a listing of Fortune 500 company on

4.By making a referral, you agree that all information provided by you is accurate, not a misrepresentation and your that action does not violate any legal, moral or ethical conditions in any way.

5.Your referral shall be considered valid, only after our team establishing adequate connection, knowledge, influence and your active role in facilitating the conversion of the lead.

6.Your referral may be declined by the is it is found to be for a company which is already associated, already referred by another person and / or does not qualify for being on

7.Once an employer signs-up on, it shall be goverened strictly by the terms & policies of and the "Referee" shall have no authority, whatsoever. 8.All valid and approved payments shall be disbursed to your bank account within 30 days from the date of confirmation.

9.Payments shall be inclusive of GST and subject to TDS, as per prevailing norms by Government of India at that time.

10.No payment shall be applicable if the proposed candidate either does not join or leaves the referred employer, within the Replacement period. In the event a fee has already been paid for such a placement, it shall be prompty refunded in full to within 7 days of such an intimation.

11.You will have to provide a valid invoice for collecting the payment and shall be informed by accordingly. reserves the right to extend, withdraw or modify or amend all or part of its terms and conditions at its sole discretion without notice. reserves the right to allow / decline access to any employer on its platform, or disallow you from participating, based on its sole discretion. reserves the right of final decision on the interpretation of these terms and conditions. Decisions made by, shall be conclusive, final and binding on all of the parties.

15.The courts in Delhi, India shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to all matters arising out of this agreement.

16.Any exceptions to these terms shall be considered valid only if agreed in writing by the CEO of

17."Agreement" - By making a referral, you fully understand and unconditionally agree to the terms of this scheme.

18."TalenTECH Solutions Private Limited", is the legal company name that owns

Glossary of terms used

"CRS" (also generally referred to as "Scheme" in this context) is the name of policy created by for the purposes of rewarding you for referring clients.

"You" (also referred to as the "Referee") is an individual or a company that provides a lead under this scheme.

"fee" (also referred to as "referral fee") is the amount payable to you for a successful referral on

"Lead" - refers to the details of the company, provided by you as a referral under the "Referral scheme" as per the laid down process.

"Placement" refers to an event when a candidate proposed towards an open job posting on, that starts to work with the "Lead" company.

"Signup" (also referred to as "registration") refers to an employer creating an account on and getting validated as per the company's process.

"Employer" (also referred to as "Client") refers to a company that associates with for the purpose of recruiting candidates.

"Activation" refers to the event when the employer & their job vacancies are made available for the agencies to work on. This is done by after following its process of employer validation.

"Category A" refers to a referred employer having more than 10,000 employees globally at the time of referral.

"Category B" refers to a referred employer which is listed in the current or preceding year on Fortune 500 list and has below 10,000 employees globally at the time of referral.

"Category C" refers to a referred employer (Non-Fortune 500 company) having below 10,000 employees globally at the time of referral.

"Party" (Plural "Parties") refers to either one or a combination of you (Referee) and